PPG Minutes of 18th July 2024 Meeting




Present:  TC Chair, AA Deputy Chair, PC, AC, JN, JJ, CM, BS, JR Secretary, Catherine Page BCHC, Carolyn Abbisogni – PML (Principal Medical Limited)
Apologies: PCW, PM

Minutes from the last Meeting

Minutes - of the June meeting were approved unanimously


Matters Arising

  • No Matters Arising

PPG Constitution

  • The document has been passed unanimously.


  • Doctor Stephen Haynes retired on 19th July, he will still be involved with BCHC
  • New GP’S Dr Abdulla and Dr Krishna have joined the team.
  • Further GP’s will be starting in the next few months.
  • A new Nurse and a Health Care Assistant started last week

Complaints, Compliments and Feed

  • Complaints decreased in June
  • Friends and Family feedback increased to 89%                                  

Carolyn Abbisogni CEO Principal Medical LTD. (PML)

  • PML - Is a “not for profit” company owned by the Practice and run by GP’s – have Community Services such as visiting service, Hospital at Home Service, Urgent Care Centre based at the Fiennes, Support Practices locally and across Oxfordshire.
  • Background of PML is on their website.
  • Structure of surgery has been reviewed with merger of the three surgeries and recognise this is no longer as small a surgery as it was.
  • Practice will have a Clinical Manager, Operations Manager and Business Manager. The process has not been concluded as want to get best people for these roles. Recruitment is underway.
  • There is a Nurse Manager and Pharmacy Manager, and need Management over all services.
  • There is good General Practice in this area and want the decision making to be at the Practice.
  • The teams are best run internally.
  • Recruitment for Nurses is still open.
  • There are approximately 18 employed GPs currently.
  • Salaried GP’s =18, 11.8 WTE (Whole Time Equivalent) 
  • Nursing Team =16 Nurses, Nursing Associates, and HCA’s 11.6 WTE
  • To satisfy needs of population the number of GP’s and the hours they do?
  • Retention of GP’s is good
  • CCT – Collaborative Care Team – Support patients in own home, with Physio, homecare, OT and referral to other services.
  • Preventative care to prevent the person being admitted – Checks are made on these people by Hospital at Home.
  • The Urgent Care Centre runs from The Fiennes, sees people who don’t need to be seen at the Hospital A&E, 9am-11pm. Supports overflow from Primary Care. GP led, has 2 Doctors, a Nurse and HCA.
  • Don’t run all Practices they run themselves, But support what would help the system.
  • Any questions – email Hannah and she will refer them to PML. 

Signage at BCHC

  • Needs improvement as especially when patients from other surgeries attend they are not sure of the entrance. The signage on the South Bar entrance just consists of 2. flags which are hidden behind trees and not seen easily from the path or the road.
  • Because of the lease of the building there are challenges with the changes  that can be made. 

Vaccination Clinics 

PC has suggested that we have a stall at some of the clinics for people to access information. i.e. Age UK, Police etc. PC to action.



  • Hannah to be asked to put the last Newsletter on the website.
  • If anyone has anything they want in the newsletter let AC know.
  • Has Research information, Veterans and advantages of treatments already.


  • Updates to the new document passed unanimously.

TC suggested choosing a new Chair for next January.

  1. AA mention the new vaccination – Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV)
  2. McMillan coffee morning to be arranged for? 27th September. Leah to be asked.
  3. Online medical requests will be recorded on same day.
  4. Emailed James on 5th July to tell him of problem and had no reply at this time.
  5. Elderly person tried calling for appointment didn’t get in within the 6 days they were asked to come in. 
  6. Catherine will follow up any problems with the appointment system, Blinx.



Next Meeting: Thursday 15th August 2024 at 6pm at Education Room BCHC