PPG Minutes of September 2023 Meeting




Present: TC, KC, AC, PC, JR, AM, TM
On behalf of Banbury Cross Health Centre: Jen Nichols (practice manager) Dr Rogers
Observer: BS

1. Apologies



2. Minutes from the last Meeting

Accepted without amendment


3. Matters Arising

No matters arising.


4. Staffing

Jen Nichols gave the update

2 new GP’s have now started (6 sessions per week) and another is due to start in Mid October. A further interview is taking place, in the hope of another GP to start mid October. This will mean nearly all patients will then have a named GP.

2 practice nurses are starting in the new year – 1 Nursing Manager, 1 Senior practice nurse. This means the nursing team will be better staffed.

1 GP who has been on maternity leave has resigned – this should not have too much of an impact.

The practice is considered a good place to work, there’s a good work/life balance and the attraction of it being a supporting/mentoring/training practice.


5. Compliments, Complaints and Feedback

August – lots of positive feedback. There was 1 formal complaint that wasn’t upheld.

A couple of patients have been delisted due to abusive behaviour.

Lots of compliments for the new GP's and there was an 87% positive response in the friends and family data.

The current patient list is 41767.


6. Possible PPG Awareness Session at Clinics

KC asked if there was a possibility of promoting the group at an upcoming clinic.


7. Newsletter

AC asked why it took so long for the Newsletter to be returned and why the wording had been changed re telephony.

Dr Rogers stated that wording is important and negative words can have a negative impact on both patients and staff.

TC suggested we have content from Call Centre staff for the next newsletter.

Jen Nichols will speak to James re the printing of the Newsletter.

TM asked when the Newsletter will be printed and if it could be sent to PPG members first. AC stated it would be quarterly and that he can send to the PPG first.

TM has offered to compile quizzes etc for the newsletter.


8. McMillan Coffee Morning

AA is organising this and a date of 28/09 (AM) is agreed

An update will be provided once the amount raised is known – AA welcomes any donations and help from the PPG.


9. New Members

KC again mentioned that the PPG Constitution is not being followed in relation to New Members. Is there a need to update the document?

The group agreed that they want the Constitution to stay the same and the procedure followed. All applications are made via the website or to the surgery and then passed to the chair – the prospective member is then invited to a meeting to see if it is what they expect and if they still wish to join.

We have 1 application currently and that person was invited to the September meeting, but was unavailable and so will attend in October.


10. AGM 

TC stated that there is expected to be an Annual Meeting and a report from the Chair. TC will circulate the report and give PPG members the chance to contribute.

TC also stated that the Chair role runs from Jan to Dec and he will be relinquishing the role at the end of this year. So interest and nominations for this and other roles are welcome and will be discussed at November’s meeting.


11. AOB

TC announced that MP has tendered his resignation from the PPG and this has been accepted.

KC – how long does it take for a prescription to reach the pharmacy? Dr Rogers replied it can take up to 72 hours for routine prescriptions but is instantaneous for urgent cases. Any delays beyond this are more likely due to the individual pharmacy.

KC – re 3rd party appointments, many people are uncomfortable with these and in some cases unaware of that they’re an option  - leading to some not taking up the offer. Jen Nichols responded that, that it was a offer for an appointment virtually and if someone turns that down, it’s their choice. Dr Rogers will check re the Website to ensure it shows that a virtual appointment may be offered.

KC- there has been some concern expressed re new patients being taken on and getting appointments immediately. Jen Nichols stated that there is an effective triaging process in place overseen by clinicians and this should mean that the  right people get the right appointments in the right timeframe. 

KC – positive feedback re duty GP.

KC – Patient access has a message saying to contact the GP practice directly to book a Flu jab. Dr Rogers will ensure a message is composed so patients are aware to await contact from the surgery.

Jen Nichols announced the CEO of PML has stepped down and that the role will be covered internally.

Next Meeting 19th October 2023 at 6:00pm

If anyone wishes to suggest any amendments to the minutes, can you please contact the Chair.