Updates for patients taking Hydroxychloroquine




At the end of 2021, we notified all of our patients who are on hydroxychloroquine via letter, to inform you that you may be contacted further for retinal screening when appropriate. Please be advised that ‘Health Harmonie’ has been comissioned to provide you with this service and this is not something BCHC is able to provide. We do not contact patients to arrange this or send any texts to arrange an appointment. This will be done only through ‘Health Harmonie’.

Please see a copy of the letter below, which you may have received from BCHC in November/December 2021 to notify you of this.

Patients taking hydroxychloroquine, also sometimes prescribed as the brand-name drug Plaquenil

You are receiving this letter because specialist scans of the back of the eyes are now recommended for patients taking hydroxychloroquine for more than 5 years.  

Patients who have additional risk factors (on high doses, with reduced kidney function or on Tamoxifen) will begin screening 1 year after starting on hydroxychloroquine.

NHS eye screening in Oxfordshire for this is provided by an organisation called Health Harmonie who will be asked to contact you to invite you to a screening appointment.

It is very important you attend the appointment when invited to ensure that your vision is not affected by your treatment, so please do.

If you have any concerns regarding any of the above, please do get in contact with us.

Many Thanks

Banbury Cross Health Centre.

Published: Jan 11, 2022